A Message from Our CEO
It is an honor to lead an organization whose drive and love for community has earned the trust of thousands of families and partners for over the past 32 years. As I reflect on what is ahead for us, the responsibility and obligation to serve families and communities across the state and across the country continues to anchor and guide us. Increasing knowledge and developing families’ skills in a safe, nurturing and respectful environment is the fundamental pillar of our work. Through our evidence-based model families see themselves as entities of change in their homes, schools and communities. They find their voice and realize they are not alone in their journey to improve their child’s education. Empowered to move forward, families establish stronger relationships with teachers, principals and other families in their community. Parents no longer dream about a better future for their children instead they can create a plan to make their dreams a reality.
We are both a convener for families who share their concerns as well as a trusted partner to help build bridges with other trusted partners to work on solutions. We have the unique opportunity to serve families across California and nationally. As we move forward, we will expand our reach, amplify our partnerships and elevate the voices of the families we serve around the state and the country. Empowering families, developing partnerships, building bridges to leverage our collective impact through policy and advocacy honors our history of working to enhance social justice and educational equity. It will take partnership, lifting parent voices and treading new ground where we are uniquely positioned to do so. We will stay rooted in our strength and expand our reach to help families achieve what they want for themselves, their children and communities.
In partnership,
Gloria Corral
President & CEO