Online Resources | En Español
PIQE is committed to our families. We know how challenging it may be while schools are closed. While we are all doing our part to follow recommendations to help minimize the impact of Coronavirus, we hope the following resources are of support.
Covid-19 Information | español / cov ntaub ntawv
- Factsheet Chinese
- Factsheet Spanish
- Mixteco Radio
- For Children Various Languages
- Workforce Resources in various languages
- Unemployement Claim CA | español
- COVID-19 in Mixteco, Triqui y Zapoteco
- Mixteco Community – Peer to Peer Video info
- The Coronavirus Care Fund – assistance for home care workers, nannies and house cleaners
- CalFresh
Support for Immigrants | español
Public Charge – There has been some misinformation about what the new federal public charge policy may mean for immigrants and their families when they need to access public resources. Here is a list of benefits not subject to a public charge analysis. Public Benefits NOT Considered for Public Charge
- Attending public school;
- Education and workforce development services or training
- Benefits though school lunch or other supplemental nutrition programs including:
- Benefits through the Child Nutrition Act;
- Benefits from the National School Lunch Act;
- Summer Food Service program;
- Childcare related services including the Child Care and Development Block Grant Program (CCDBGP);
- Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC);
- Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP);
- Health Insurance through the Affordable Care Act;
- Tax Credits; including the CalEITC and Young Child Tax Credit
- Education or Workforce Training
- Unemployment benefits;
- Worker’s compensation;
- Transportation vouchers or other non-cash transportation services;
- Housing assistance under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act;
- Energy benefits such as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP);
- Educational benefits, including, but not limited to, benefits under the Head Start Act;
- Student loans and home mortgage loan programs; and
- Foster care and adoption benefits.
- Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Social Security benefits (SSDI);
- Programs, services, or assistance (such as soup kitchens, crisis counseling and intervention, and short-term shelter) provided by local communities or through public or private nonprofit organizations;
- Public health assistance for immunizations with respect to immunizable diseases and for testing and treatment of symptoms of communicable diseases whether or not such symptoms are caused by a communicable disease;
- Social Security;
- Veteran’s benefits including but not limited to HUD-VASH, and medical treatment through the Veteran’s Health Administration;
- Government (including federal and state) pension benefits and healthcare;
- Medicare; or
- Federal and state disability insurance.
- Any services provided under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act);
- Benefits under the Emergency Food Assistance Act (TEFAP);
- Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP);
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR);
- Short-term, non-cash, in-kind emergency disaster relief
Additional resources:
- The Coronavirus Care Fund – assistance for home care workers, nannies and house cleaners
- List of resources – from the office of Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez
Free Online Resources for Families | Recursos en línea gratuitos para familias
- Great Schools learning Guide – Guía de aprendizaje
- The National Center For Family Learning
- PBS Kids
- Support Remote Learning Resources
- Fun Brain
- Arcademics
- BrainPop
- Scholastic
- Resources for kids and adults with learning differences or disabilities
- Gill Education for infants to 2nd
- Dabble Doo Musicare
- PBS SoCal & Bay Area: at-home learning Los Angeles and Bay Area
- Khan Academy
- Free online Spanish lessons for the whole family
Future Learn – high school grades 10 – 12
English courses
Doc Academy – high school grades 9 -12
English content (need to register with email)
- Blocky – Contenido en Espanol
- Project Explorer – Grades K – 6
- Engish content explore the world through videos
- Duolingo Learn languages for free.
- Web or app.
- Contenido en Espanol: recursos para aprender otros idiomas
- Common Sense Media Kinder to 6th grade
- Recurso en Espanol: Material para ninos de primaria Kinder-Sexto
- Mystery Science Free science lessons for Kinder – 5th grade
- The Kids Should See This – English content: wide range of educational videos for all ages
- Tinkercad – English content for design and creative play. Need to sign up with email.
- Prodigy Game – Learn and practice math.
- Discovery Education Geared towards school districts, but some free experiences available.
- Crash Course – Youtube videos on many subjects
- Big History Project – Multidisciplinary history, for HS students.
- Red Ted Art – Crafts for Kids
- Table Fables – Time Tables Fun
- Math Playground – Math and Logic Games
- Cbeebies – Multimedia for younger kids.
- Oxford Owl – Educational resources for primary schoolkids
- Toy Theater – Educational online games
- Teach Engineering – Engineering curriculum and lesson plans
- Geography Games – Geography gaming.
- Elementari – Write and code your own stories
- Epic offers thousands of free online books for kids
(Please check periodically for additional resources)
- San Diego Zoo 8-week courses FREE ages 13 and up
- Google Muesum Virtual Tours
- Google National Park Virtual Tours
- Virtual Museum Tours
- Storyline Online
- Amazing Educational Resources Routinely updated list of free educational resources provided due to school closures.
- STEMFinity – Listing of free STEM education resources
- Virtual Museum Resources Listing of Free Museum Resources
- Open Culture Lists of resources, including these free coloring books.
Providing free service to school districts and others; including resource list